our commitment

At Sveti Stefan we are committed to our obligations as a company, both those required by law and those we assume voluntarily. This commitment governs all relationships with our stakeholders.
Our unwavering will to comply is essential for the growth of the company.
We are committed to promoting a business culture based on honesty, integrity, fairness and good faith.
At Sveti Stefan we take our impact on the local community very seriously. We work to be good neighbors because we want to make a positive impact on people.
For this reason, we like to collaborate with different non-profit organizations such as:


It is a non-profit association that aims to introduce music in hospitals to improve the quality of life of patients. Through different POP UPS we have collaborated with this organization.


A group of young people and university students who are in charge of helping people at risk of social exclusion and the most vulnerable groups in society to improve their living conditions. Through a solidarity raffle, we had the chance to participate, in order to raise funds for the San Juan de Dios Parish and the Altius Foundation.


Created by Kike Figaredo in 2001, they support projects in northern Cambodia to provide Cambodians with a better future, with special attention to people with disabilities, people in vulnerable situations or those in extreme poverty.
Through a solidarity raffle, we had the chance to participate, in order to raise funds for the NGO SAUCE.


It is in charge of defending the rule of law, the unity of Spain, promoting the principles and values ​​of Christian humanism and fighting for the dignity of the victims of terrorism. Sveti Stefan donated pairs of shoes for an awards ceremony in order to contribute to the cause of this foundation.


This NGO is in charge of carrying out multiple works, especially in Africa. In this case, we have made a donation from numerous pairs of Svetis who have been part of a charity raffle where all the proceeds will go to child aid in the Bengbis area in southern Cameroon.


The parish of Hualmay raises money to provide a series of services ( https://www.iglesiadehualmay.com ), including a hospital, several nurseries and schools, a center for the disabled, etc. They all appear on the web. The parish motto is that everyone who goes for help, receives it. We have joined the cause by donating several svetis for a raffle for a charity paddle tennis tournament.


The Mara Residence Hall is a center attached to the Complutense University of Madrid and is associated with the Council of Residence Halls. We have participated in a charity raffle in order to raise money for Caritas to help Ukrainian families who are in an unfavorable situation due to the war.


It is a Sevillian brotherhood that makes a pilgrimage every year to the village of El Rocío. We wanted to help them in the solidarity market organized in November 2022 in order to collaborate with their welfare works.